- Sept 2011 Promoted to the 2nd echelon chevron 2 of the exceptional class (highest level)
- Sept 2008 Promoted to the exceptional class of full professors, 1st echelon / D3
- Jan. 1999: Promoted to 1st class of full professors (CNU)
- Oct. 1992: Appointed as Full Professor at the University of Versailles – SQY
- May 1992: Qualified for Professorship Positions by the French National Council of Universities (CNU)
- 1990-2002: Scientific Advisor at INRIA successively in the Rodin and Caravel projects.
- April-1987: Appointed as Associate Professor at UPMC (University Paris 6)
- 1983-1987: Appointed as Assistant Professorat at UPMC (University Paris 6)
- 1982-1983: INRIA Fellow
- 1982-1986: Senior Lecturer at various Engineering Schools: IIE, SUPELEC, Normal Sup, Ponts et Chaussées, UTC., Ecole Polytechnique
- 1979-1981: Computer Science Lecturer at CERI (Algiers)
- 1977-1978: Granted by French Government as an intern in CETE d’Aix-en-Provence (French Ministry of Industry)
- 1973-1977: Grant holder of the Algerian Government (CERI of Algiers)
N.B. Long term holder of PEDR (French Universities Excellence Bonus) from 1990 to 2013.

Emeritus Full Professor at UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay / Data & Algorithms Lab
Former Deputy Director of CNRS / Computer Science Institute (2009-2021)

- Palmes académiques (2021)
- Médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2022)
- Hommage communauté BDA (2023)