Significant Research Projects
I was a coordinator or a member of about 20 research contracts, among which the followings are those which have supported the research topics mentioned before.
Contextual Aggegate Information Retrieval (ANR 2014 – 2018)
The CAIR project focuses on aggregate queries, for which the execution is achieved by performing a complex chain of operations to compose relevant pieces of information. Aggregation therefore aims to select and integrate fragments of information into a richer object, carrying new knowledge about a given subject or event.
Complex Object Matching (ANR 2009-2012)
This project focuses particularly in graph matching where graphs represent business processes and Web objects (services and documents). The matching operators contribute to elaborate queries that dynamically search for web services and complex structured objects.
Quality of Data in Information Systems (ANR 2006-2009)
This project deals with data quality evaluation in data integration systems. It proposes a set of quality metrics and an operational framework within which these metrics are evaluated and aggregated.
Personalized Access to Data Masses (ACI/ANR 2004-2007)
This project is at the heart of the general problem of scalable access to large data sets. We assume that the widespread exploitation of user preferences is one of the dimensions that contributes to this scalability by reducing the size of query answers.
Foundations of Datawarehouse Quality (Esprit Project 22469 / 97-2000)
Data warehousing has become an important strategy to integrate heterogeneous information sources in organizations, and to enable on-line analytic processing. The goal of the DWQ project was to develop a semantic foundation that will allow the designers of data warehouses to link the choice of deeper models, richer data structures and rigorous implementation techniques to quality-of-service factors in a systematic manner, thus improving the design, the operation, and most importantly the evolution of data warehouse applications.

Emeritus Full Professor at UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay / Data & Algorithms Lab
Former Deputy Director of CNRS / Computer Science Institute (2009-2021)

- Palmes académiques (2021)
- Médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2022)
- Hommage communauté BDA (2023)