Other Responsibilities
At the National Level
- Member of the French National University Council (CNU, 1989-1990), (CNU, 1991- 19292), and (CNT, 2004-2006).
- Appointed member of the GE4 Groupe of the French Ministry for Research and Industry (1996-1998), in charge of university teaching programs.
- Member of the Executive Committee of the CNRS Database Network (RTP9).
- Member of the coordinating committee of BDA, the french conference on Databases (1998-2018).
- Member of the AFCET Scientific Committee (the former French Orgnanisation for Computer Science).
- President of the AFCET Database Technical Committee (1993-1997).
At the international level
- Member of the EDBT Endowment (European Conf. on Database Technology) (1996-2006)
- Member of the Steering Committee of the ER Conference (1999-2003).
- Founder in 1995 of the NLDB Conference (Natural Language for Data Bases) qui est à sa 21° édition.
- Membre of ERASMUS/SOCRATES Network (since 1994) with the following partners : Herriot-Watt (UK), U. Karlsruhe (G), U. San Sebastian (E), U. Athènes (GR), U. Linkoping et Upsala (SW), U. Zurich (CH).
- Invited Member of the TC2.6 IFIP Working Group (2003-2005)
- Expert for various national research programs : UK, Canada, Nedherlands, USA, Israël)
I have participated to various actions, initiatives and reports related to my domain of expertise:
- France-UK Task Force on Data-Driven Growth (report in French and in English).
- Participatory Science Reports (Allistene, Mission Sciences participatives).
- French National Strategy on Research through Allistene Report and

Emeritus Full Professor at UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay / Data & Algorithms Lab
Former Deputy Director of CNRS / Computer Science Institute (2009-2021)

- Palmes académiques (2021)
- Médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2022)
- Hommage communauté BDA (2023)